Benin DXpedition March 2006 : QSL info
Each operator has a different QSL information:
- TY5MR via IK1PMR
- TY4TW via GM4FDM
- TY5WP via PA7FM
- QSL cards for TY are ready.
You can see a picture of the cards here.
We have some backlog for ty5mr/ty5leo so please be patient
if you already sent your request.
- Cards for TY5MR and TY5LEO in the same envelope are OK.
Even more than 2 requests per envelope are OK, add as many as you wish.
If postage is not enough for all reply cards, some of them will go via buro.
Most of the time our QSLs allow 2-3 QSOs per card only.
- IRCs are accepted but discouraged:
most IRCs expire in 2006;
they are exchangeable for the minimum postage
for airmail addressed to a foreign country (not necessarily to your country);
1 IRC usually costs US$1.75 (expensive) and has the above limitations;
US$2 are highly preferred if possible
and are OK for sending at least 2 cards to any destination.
- Requests with insufficient money to cover color
printing and shipping expenses
will go via the bureau.
- Mail is safe in Western Europe (Italy, UK and Netherlands). We never experienced mail problems.
Extra info for IK1PMR
If you really want to know all about my QSL policy:
- All QSOs are checked with my logs (including dates/times).
If you're not in the log, I'm sorry but you'll not get a QSL card.
So please check the online log first and try to write the correct date/time
on your request (especially for 160m QSOs).
- I collect small foreign banknotes;
they are welcome instead of postage, or
If you wish to make an exchange of foreign notes,
I still have several from Somalia which are pretty rare.
- I'm happy to exchange QSL cards at hamfests and conventions,
but please let me know in advance by e-mail.
- Direct cards are sorted and have different priorities:
high priority (US$2 or more), normal
priority (at least minimum postage for one card or SASE) and
buro (not enough postage).
- I send buro cards with low priority,
normally only one time per year, maximum two times,
and subject to my available time (I'm often on travel).
- Buro cards are not necessarily the same quality of the cards
we send direct and to our sponsors and supporters,
each operator will decide about his/her QSL card design.
- You can check if I already received your direct request