T33C DXpedition to Banaba Island

IK1PMR operated from Banaba Island as member of the T33C DXpedition in April 2004.
The official web site for T33C is here.
From Banaba, I was also active with my personal callsign T33MR; QSL via IK1PMR.

On the same Pacific tour, I was also active from Western Kiribati as T30MR and from Fiji Islands as 3D2MR.

3D2MR, T30MR and T33MR log search - QSL via IK1PMR

T33C pictures

In the following pictures, date/time is local time (Fiji/Kiribati: UTC+12, Korea: UTC+9).

Show all pictures - Keywords: 3D2CF - 3D2MR - Banaba - Fiji - HL1IWD - HL2XIQ - IK1PMR - K2 - K2LEO - K3LP - Korea - N6TQS - Nadi - PA3EWP - RK3AD - Snjezana - T33C - Tarawa - airport - beach - container - dance - harbor - harbour - lion - operations - ship

1 pictures found for: Nadi
Andrea IK1PMR operating as 3D2MR from Nadi, Viti Levu island, Fiji Islands

More pictures from Banaba - IK1PMR home page

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