6O0CW Somalia DXpedition

This page is dedicated to the 6O0CW DXpedition to Somalia, February 2005. The place of our operations was Galkayo (Puntland, Somalia).

The 6O0CW team: IK2DIA, I2YSB (front), IZ5BRW, IK1PMR, IK2WXV (back)
005.jpgIK1PMR, IK2WXV and I2YSB at Malpensa airport
006.jpgI2YSB and IK2DIA trying to check-in our strange baggage
009.jpgDubai airport
011.jpgA view of Dubai city (United Arab Emirates)
014.jpgIK1PMR in Dubai
016.jpgEvening shopping in Dubai
017.jpgGold on sale in Dubai
021.jpgDjibouti airport
022.jpgLanding in Galkayo (Somalia), just in the desert
031.jpgIK2DIA and IZ5BRW assembling the 4 element yagi
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Andrea IK1PMR and Silvano I2YSB making the first 6O0CW QSOs on 30m CW on 3 February 2005
040.jpgIK2DIA, IZ5BRW, IK2WXV, IK1PMR, I2YSB and Hussein
045.jpgRiccardo IZ5BRW operating SSB
048.jpgRadio Galkayo
051.jpgI2YSB at our CW low bands operating position at Radio Daljir, Galkayo
054.jpgOur "sleeping position" next to the low bands station
057.jpgIZ5BRW and IK2DIA, our main SSB operators at the guesthouse station
058.jpgMy bed and all my stuff
061.jpgOur beam antenna at the guesthouse station
067.jpgI2YSB sending logs bt email at Radio Galkayo
068.jpgIK1PMR at Radio Daljir, outside the shack at night, waiting for low band conditions
069.jpgSagan, one of our friends at Radio Daljir, near our 40m/80m vertical
070.jpgThe 50m tower holding our 160m dipole; a 180m long beverage was also installed across the city
072.jpgOur rented car in the street
073.jpgOur driver at the guesthouse door
074.jpgThe street in the center of Galkayo
075.jpgAnother street in Galkayo
077.jpgIZ5BRW, guesthouse owner, IK2DIA, our driver, IK2WXV, Hussein
078.jpgIK1PMR and our friend Hussein
082.jpgBeppe IK2WXV at the guesthouse operating position
084.jpgIK1PMR at lunch time: we usually had pasta with camel meat sause
086.jpgIK2DIA and IZ5BRW working on our generator
087.jpgIK1PMR talking on sked with friends at home
088.jpgAdan and IK1PMR
089.jpgHussein and two other friends at lunch
090.jpgLunch time the day we get our licenses
099.jpgThe Ministry of Communications ready to give us our 6O0 licenses
103.jpgSilvano I2YSB receives his 6O0CW license
106.jpgAndrea IK1PMR receives his 6O0MR license
110.jpgTypical street in Galkayo city
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Andrea IK1PMR / 6O0MR elmering Sahra, the Secretary General of SARFEN (the Somali amateur radio organisation)
115.jpgBeppe IK2WXV, Sarah the secretary general of SARFEN, Andrea IK1PMR and Riccardo IZ5BRW
118.jpgI2YSB at dinner with the doctor's wife
119.jpgThe italian doctor at dinner in his house
121.jpgSilvano I2YSB enjoying the dinner
124.jpgOur guesthouse station as configured the last day of operations
125.jpgJoe 6O0JT visiting us at the guesthouse
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Andrea IK1PMR / 6O0MR, Sahra and Joe VA6JWT / 6O0JT with a flag of Somalia
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A street in Galkayo city at sunset
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Local students in Galkayo
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Local people at the market in Galkayo
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Local people in Galkayo
127.jpgDoctor and Andrea IK1PMR at last dinner in Galkayo
132.jpgDoctor visiting our guesthouse station
133.jpgLocal woman with her children in Galkayo
137.jpgSilvano trying to fix an audio system at a local school
140.jpgSilvano, Riccardo and Marcello waiting in Djibouti airport

More pictures to come ...

IK1PMR home