This page is dedicated to the 6O0CW DXpedition to Somalia, February 2005.
The place of our operations was Galkayo (Puntland, Somalia).
The 6O0CW team: IK2DIA, I2YSB (front), IZ5BRW, IK1PMR, IK2WXV (back) | |
IK1PMR, IK2WXV and I2YSB at Malpensa airport | |
I2YSB and IK2DIA trying to check-in our strange baggage | |
Dubai airport | |
A view of Dubai city (United Arab Emirates) | |
IK1PMR in Dubai | |
Evening shopping in Dubai | |
Gold on sale in Dubai | |
Djibouti airport | |
Landing in Galkayo (Somalia), just in the desert | |
IK2DIA and IZ5BRW assembling the 4 element yagi | |
DSC00709.JPG (312 Kb) Andrea IK1PMR and Silvano I2YSB making the first 6O0CW QSOs on 30m CW on 3 February 2005 | |
IK2DIA, IZ5BRW, IK2WXV, IK1PMR, I2YSB and Hussein | |
Riccardo IZ5BRW operating SSB | |
Radio Galkayo | |
I2YSB at our CW low bands operating position at Radio Daljir, Galkayo | |
Our "sleeping position" next to the low bands station | |
IZ5BRW and IK2DIA, our main SSB operators at the guesthouse station | |
My bed and all my stuff | |
Our beam antenna at the guesthouse station | |
I2YSB sending logs bt email at Radio Galkayo | |
IK1PMR at Radio Daljir, outside the shack at night, waiting for low band conditions | |
Sagan, one of our friends at Radio Daljir, near our 40m/80m vertical | |
The 50m tower holding our 160m dipole; a 180m long beverage was also installed across the city | |
Our rented car in the street | |
Our driver at the guesthouse door | |
The street in the center of Galkayo | |
Another street in Galkayo | |
IZ5BRW, guesthouse owner, IK2DIA, our driver, IK2WXV, Hussein | |
IK1PMR and our friend Hussein | |
Beppe IK2WXV at the guesthouse operating position | |
IK1PMR at lunch time: we usually had pasta with camel meat sause | |
IK2DIA and IZ5BRW working on our generator | |
IK1PMR talking on sked with friends at home | |
Adan and IK1PMR | |
Hussein and two other friends at lunch | |
Lunch time the day we get our licenses | |
The Ministry of Communications ready to give us our 6O0 licenses | |
Silvano I2YSB receives his 6O0CW license | |
Andrea IK1PMR receives his 6O0MR license | |
Typical street in Galkayo city | |
112.jpg (196 Kb) | |
DSC00937.JPG (320 Kb) Andrea IK1PMR / 6O0MR elmering Sahra, the Secretary General of SARFEN (the Somali amateur radio organisation) | |
Beppe IK2WXV, Sarah the secretary general of SARFEN, Andrea IK1PMR and Riccardo IZ5BRW | |
I2YSB at dinner with the doctor's wife | |
The italian doctor at dinner in his house | |
Silvano I2YSB enjoying the dinner | |
Our guesthouse station as configured the last day of operations | |
Joe 6O0JT visiting us at the guesthouse | |
DSC01027.JPG (316 Kb) Andrea IK1PMR / 6O0MR, Sahra and Joe VA6JWT / 6O0JT with a flag of Somalia | |
DSC_0501.JPG (792 Kb) A street in Galkayo city at sunset | |
DSC_0502.JPG (724 Kb) Local students in Galkayo | |
DSC_0667.JPG (712 Kb) Local people at the market in Galkayo | |
DSC_0670.JPG (772 Kb) Local people in Galkayo | |
Doctor and Andrea IK1PMR at last dinner in Galkayo | |
Doctor visiting our guesthouse station | |
Local woman with her children in Galkayo | |
Silvano trying to fix an audio system at a local school | |
Silvano, Riccardo and Marcello waiting in Djibouti airport |
More pictures to come ...